
Kumadori is GTP (Go Text Protocol) cliet and GTP implementation for playing go-game and development new software. Kumadori project include two parts. First part is GTP (Go Text Protocol) implementation KGTP and second is graphical interface (Kumadori) for GTP engine like GNU Go. Both part can be used without other, of course Kumadori need some GTP protocol to communicate with GTP-engine.

Kumadori is avaliable under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Kumadori project developing with Sun JavaSDK and netBeansIDE. But other compiler or development environment can use, but not they are not supported yet.
Used development software versions:
JDK: 1.5.0_05
netBeansIDE: 5.0

How you can check Kumadori CVS with your netBeans IDE.

  1. netBeans menu chooce: CVS - Checkout - Edit-button
  2. Access Method: pserver
  3. User: anonymous
  4. Host: kumadori.cvs.sourceforge.net
  5. Port: 2401
  6. Repository Path: /cvsroot/kumadori
  7. Then OK-button
  8. Push Next-button, don't give any password
  9. Module: KGTP or Kumadori, you can browse, if you want
  10. Local Folder: {netBeans download project files in this folders}

General dokumentation of Kumadori you can find in this site. That include document like general info, manuals, and so on. And development related documents are in Kumadori project pages (in Docs) there are plans, definations and that kind docs.

Korkki's Go Text Protocol implementation (KGTP)
KGTP is protocol which communicate between go playing interface and go playing engine.

Go game is pretty visual, so it's important to have good graphical interface. Kumadori do that. This project try give good choice for go players.

Project status:
KGTP, Beta
Kumadori, Pre-Alpha (Test.java is character based interface which can use for testing.)

To play go with Kumadori you need interface (Kumadori), GTP implementation (KGTP) and GTP engine (like Gnu Go). But this time that Kumadori interface is not playable, it's under development.